phlem 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are some useful communities on REACT19 and Canada Covid Care Alliance’s websites. The only thing keeping me sane is networking.

phlem 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, vaccine. It was workplace mandated. I’m disabled, and pissed off. I didn’t want to get it as I felt it wasn’t tested properly. These doctors deserve to rot in hell.

phlem 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are cowards. Unless one of them comes forward and admits this, it’s still hearsay. I believe it’s happening, at the time it was $200. That was what I heard anyway. I didn’t have that option, I’ve been injured for almost a year.

phlem 4 points ago +4 / -0

These dumb fucks haven't learned about unintended consequences. Now everyone that got leaked also knows the contact information from their neighbours that aren't commie hurt bags. Networking, how does it work? Fat slobs that are used to rage quitting on Wordle are going to meet reality pretty soon.

phlem 1 point ago +1 / -0

People that sat next to them on the TTC are also guilty. This is hilarious. What do these clowns think this will get them?

phlem 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn’t matter what the Fatman did, the hospitals are free to impose their own mandates. He is trying to look good, but he’s more of a coward than ever.

phlem 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, it’s been an eye opening experience. So far, the short term side effects are not improving. I guess I’m experiencing them differently.

phlem 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can neither confirm nor deny that suggested course of action is being undertaken. Surprisingly, it’s being documented as a legit disability.

I plan on seeking glorious retribution in any possible form.

phlem 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work in a setting that mandates vaccination with no allowance for testing. I had documented my objection to this, both written and orally. I did not give them informed consent. I expressly said this was coerced.

I was injected with Moderna and have all sorts of ‘rare’ super powers now.

Thankfully, everything is getting documented and reported. The hospitals (ER) did not file an adverse reaction report, although they said it was an adverse reaction. That was filed independently, by myself.

There is a nice, official paper trail.

phlem 2 points ago +2 / -0

The American’s Revolutionary War and subsequent signing of the Constitution both predated the French Revolution, what are events are you referring to?

phlem 12 points ago +13 / -1

This whole thing reeks of being manufactured. I wonder if another group, that likes orange, had a bunch of spare orange tee shirts, likes to capitalize and/or create ethnic division to weaken western society, will end up being behind this? This whole thing is so retarded. I don’t know if I should feel pity or disgust at the reaction from the media and all levels of government. Worthless, contemptible, Communist leeches, the lot of them.

phlem 15 points ago +15 / -0

"An exclusive analysis of the data by CBC News shows that hospital gridlock — a phenomenon that used to be restricted to surges in patients during flu season — is the new normal"


phlem 7 points ago +7 / -0



I like how they completely ignored what this guy all about. This is retarded disingenuous bullshit. He was an activist, the correct kind, but only when it suits the left's narrative. Otherwise he is a Nazi.

phlem 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is bullshit. They are going to use this pearl clutching crap to lock down more businesses. They have no idea why they are moving around. What if they just don’t buy into crazy cracker nutty town’s fear mongering? So if they say that these proles are being forced to serve the Man in stores, it’s racist and now gives them more arguments for handouts/redistribution. The fact that they are using that data anyway is troubling.