xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish people would stop treating Blightbarf and The Gateway Fuckwit as credible publications. They are the right wing versions of Politico and newsweek. They're shithole websites. Fuck Breitbart and fuck Gateway Pundit.

Biden isn't going to do shit. Biden, even with a Dem legislative majority, is a puppet President. All we're waiting for is 2022 to see if the state election reform bills hold water against the voter fraud. If it does, Biden is finished. The Republican legislature are not going to let him do anything permanent. All Biden will have are executive orders, and executive orders can be very easily reversed by a succeeding President (that's what Trump did to Obama).

Fearmongering is boring.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

The holocaust was fake and you're a mentally sound individual who's definitely not lost their mind.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

The funny thing is states like Colorado, which are deep blue, could do that if they wanted but they don't. Weird. Maybe they want to abolish voter ID in the places that are truly deep red while having strict voting requirements in states that are truly deep blue, just in case those Republicans start getting savvy and using Democrat tactics against them.

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right now, I mentally cannot bring myself to go out and argue with people anymore. I used to before the theft of the 2020 election but now that my entire reason for debating people on the internet is gone (if I successfully convince people to vote a specific way, what is the purpose when my opponents can simply break all of the election rules under the sun and win with no impunity while my side is under numerous investigations for utter bullshit?)

Maybe in 2022 when we see whether the state election reform bills are robust enough to defeat voter fraud, if it's successful, I'll get back to it. But I can't stand looking at fucking leftists. I don't want to see another single fucking BLM tag in someone's twitter profile.

xzibit_b 11 points ago +11 / -0

Being educated in modern times is almost an insult with the dreck that universities (speaking from an American perspective. I reckon Canada is likely the same but I will not speak for Canada) shit out.

American universities, even in deep deep red states, think that gender is whatever you want it to be in a given moment. Complete retardation

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0


Anti-black is racism. Anti-white is racism. Anti-Asian is racism.......

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't think you'd have to explain something like that but maybe that's an insight into brutananana's mind and view of the world more than anything else.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a centrist goes for a candidate that is popular with radical leftists, they're not a centrist.

Is this post based off of the idea that centrists are not centrists, but just leftists under a different name?

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I don't understand is why no one would then look at South Dakota if Florida had stayed locked down.

by c2sky
xzibit_b 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Canadians expect to be safe and free from hate speech"

Do they? Do they really? Or are you guys just a bunch of social engineering totalitarians?

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine doesn't either. The Resident of the United States thought that a young child looked like a grown woman. Demented fucking pork bean

xzibit_b 5 points ago +5 / -0

I laugh at the thought that "You had the vaccine. I can't watch you anymore. I must only watch unvaccinated people!"

Sheer mental illness

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you will forgive Biden, everything is a hole to him these days

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Federal government in the US is equally dead. It was dead long before Trump and it'll be dead long after.

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can put your efforts elsewhere. I've met my fair share of garbage human website moderators but talking about them this frequently to this much of a degree is unhealthy in and of itself

xzibit_b 11 points ago +11 / -0

2022 determines if the Democrats have no chance or not. The Democrats have cheating on the table for now. States have passed election integrity bills, but you'd be a fool to think that these are the country's first election integrity bills in our history. We'll see if they work.

If we get more ballot dumps for leftist candidates at 3 am in the morning, the Democrats will win 2024. Full stop. But if they don't get to pull their voter fraud bullshit, they're finished. Even though Trump is getting old, I want him to assume his rightful place as a two-term President.

xzibit_b 9 points ago +9 / -0

Add "United States........today" to that list.

Michael Flynn was targeted by disingenuous totalitarians and the American populace couldn't give two and a half less fucks. Freedom is just a slogan to the modern America. Covid proved that modern America is not ready for freedom

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