He was takin the risk to say out loud and in public, on camera, what we all knew and talked about online. Stand up people. If a lowlife scumbag neck tattoo yellow fever douchebag can garner my respect then you can too. Push is coming to shove real soon
We need immigration. We are the second largest landmass in the world yet with a population of under 40 million We are a drop in the bucket vs the other 9 billion.
The problem is the countries us racists would like immigration from; ie European countries - have already been drained. They can barely make enough babies to keep their populations stable let alone provide an excess.
So we take in middle eastern and African populations in their stead,, hoping an assimilation into our peaceful culture will make them peaceful as well. To be fair it mostly works. The trouble makers are a very small part of the overall net benefit of bringing them here.
In spite of all that, our angst of seeing the old Canada turn into a sea of multicultural enclaves where us multigenerational old stock Canadians are suddenly deemed irrelevant is a hard pill to swallow for many. This is why a hiatus or slowing down immigration is so attractive. We want Canada to, well.. stay Canada, not become Somalia North.
So what party can align our needs vs the world against the wants of our population?
Oh you poor soul. ADE has not been proven with covid 19 yet because we have not entered a new cold and flu season yet. It has been proven with every mrna treatment previously however, with up to 100% mortality to boot. Vaccines don't cause ADE, so the second half of your statement is misleading because the covid vaccine is not a vaccine. It doesn't prevent you from getting nor spreading the disease. It is an experimental treatment for the management of symptoms.
And regarding ADE, it's my understanding that this treatment locks into the cells what the body produces as a response to the disease, however when a new strain comes around, the body can no longer adapt and keeps producing a response that's now useless, allowing the new version of the virus to rage free. No its worse, as your body goes into overdrive trying in vain to fight, all the attack parts that don't recognize the new invader turn to attacking your organs instead. Expect to see a lot of causes of death to be heart kidney and liver failures this fall as the msm and globalist try to keep this under wraps.
Yeah I saw the reports of malformed red blood cells, but thats being swept under the rug even as other reports confirm spike protein accumulation in our reproductive organs and bone marrow. Any politician that makes these shots mandatory will be committing actual genocide.
Fine. End the Indian act. No more reserves, no more government handouts unless its the same every other Canadian is eligible for, ie welfare or disability. We are done shoving billions and billions of dollars at them only to have them rip the copper out of the new building we just made for them, even selling the furnace for meth cash, then they turn around and call us racists. Enough.
What benefit does embracing Islamic immigration offer to non Islamic Canadians? Now we have to block our roads with dump trucks and have heavy screening to go to a sports game because of the threat of Islamic violence. 12 or the 13 groups csis warned us about recently were Islamic based. These people bring intolerance and violence while offering no positive features to the Canadian landscape. It is an invasion.
With the new rules allowing 2 days after polls close to receive mail in ballots, I forsee a Liberal majority. Unless they need to make more ballots then citizens to win that is, even then ... with provincial cpc on board with mandatory vaccines who's left? PPC is the only choice