It's a freak.
I am convinced they just do not grasp how bad things will be if we don't right back. They are stuck in the doing their part to end covid faster lie.
Not to the truly retarded.
Because they believe they are helping and doing their part to end this. People are not seeing the forest for the trees
When it dies the parents will bury it as Ellen.
You would tell authorities Anne Frank was in the attic wouldn't you.
This new strain is no more dangerous than the old one. But omg the sky is falling.
Figures that we would import stupid people.
The real terrorists are the ones sitting in the government right now.
Why is the east so into hard core lock downs?
No one asked you to come here. Go the fuck back home.
Because we are too apathetic for one and two who would we all rally behind?
That is terrible. These leftists are so far gone.
I will pray for you today stay safe
Hope he dressed up in his best alien wear when he got beamed up.
Africa will be the next super power and kangz will rule again! Just ask them.
Kenney acting dumb really lit a fuse under people's asses.
Hmmmm wonder why?
They are not Canadians they are parasites leeching off of us.
That is no good foreigners own property here too. It should be you have to have been born in Canada to vote. No citiZenship after the fact bullshit. No immigrants just natural born Canadians. Also being born in another country to Canadian parents does not count.
I would make sure to barbeque the pork it would be tasty. Ramadan or no. If you are not Muslim why should you care?
And here BC thought it was special. What the federal gov did the Alberta and the Maritimes is now happening to them. Maybe wexit is not so foolish after all.
Of course it didn't leak. It was deliberately released. The rest is all cover up.