When will the police stop being so racist?
gotta be careful who you chirp!
That guys is in his 30's? He looks 55.
Hate to say it but Ham is right. Victims are lauded. Honestly I love to see it but I bet it helps him. Commence the downvotes.
Why didn't they just revoke his RPAL after the first incident?! /s
Read the Gladue report, bigot! She just needs a few months in a native healing lodge.
We need these as bumper stickers
*Only canvassed the good people of the OGFT sub.
Only if you're a literal Nazi racist! -Hammy
Welcome to Vancouver.
Exactly what crossed my mind. They'll only give up a few bucks to shield them from losing more. There must be underage and / or coerced girls on it.
Fuck thats a good one. The Babylon Bee churns out quality humour.
Someone teach me how this darkweb thing works or is that going to be fucked too?
Local gun club. Around here they run courses regularly and it's dirt cheap.
Where the fuck do they get off calling it a phobia. Not agreeing with their religious teachings or culture doesn't make it a phobia. It's a very rational reaction that everyone from western cultures should share.
I've been following the news and it is absolutely fucked over there (more so than usual). I would not be surprised if a full blown civil war is on the horizon. Maybe a harbinger of things to come here.
I brought up at work today "what would your reaction be, and that of the politicians and media, if it was synagogues or mosques or long houses being burned?" People got awkward and didn't even know what to think. Like the "islam is right about women" posters.
Pension maxed out maybe? Just kidding she seemed like the only liberal MP with integrity, even I disagree with her philosophy on many issues.
It's all fun and games until they don't do what you want.
As long as the group under attack isn't a person's, they will be fine with it and maybe even join in. Some friends were talking about this when it first started making the news and a friend of a friend who's jewish started slamming catholics. No group can get through history without another group being displeased by something.
"Let's increase the amount of red tape and bullshit it takes to build a house or put in lots and drive interest rates to never before seen lows. Hey wait what happened?" -all levels of government
Hammy, I'm not one of the people that hates you, but you really need to get a grip. I'm embarrassed for you. I am starting to think you're a nutjob I work with. Take a step back and think if someone from the CPC did something out of line, and some NDP moron started saying that 100% of CPC supporters feel this way, what would you think about that individual? Guess what, if you haven't been listening, the Liberals/NDP/Greens all accuse the CPC of being a bunch of intolerant racist white males.
With the CPC moving further to the left obviously people with right wing ideals will choose the PPC, including some people that have some undesirable traits. Before the PPC was created, do you think they were voting Green? They were voting for your party.