MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're still trying to demonize the unvaxxed but not with the same zeal as before. In fact, I'm seeing a lot of reddit vaxxers threatening to join the anti-vaxx protest. Lol

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard a piece of shit doctor on the BBC hating on the unvaccinated today. He was whining that when we get sick, we have the gall to seek help in hospitals. The Brit-cuck reporter kept egging him on. These motherfuckers actually think we're going to go quietly into their poison factories.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Informed consent is essential when participating in any experimental trials/dangerous procedures. These dangerous vaccines are experimental and everyone has the right to say yay or nay. It's the ethical thing to do.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

The vaccines are poison. You're playing Russian roulette with every shot you take.

MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being stuck in an island with that socialist witch Jacinda would drive me nuts.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

The thing that gets me is that his ilk have control of all major platforms to spew their nonsense, but they have to come here to foul the place with their commie BS. Maybe they secretly want to take the red pill but too dumb to figure out how.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

"The event was promoted as a “sunset candlelight ceremony” to mark the 75th anniversary of the trial of Nazi scientists who conducted horrific human experiments on Jews and other targets of the regime. Seven of those doctors were executed for war crimes."

MrPussyWhiskers 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is one of the reasons you cannot trust the medical profession. Money and politics has tainted them. Their bullshit Hippocratic is meaningless when they're willing too lie and obfuscate the truth about dangerous substances like these vaccines.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's a tempest in a tea pot then there shouldn't be a recommendation. Other countries have banned the use of moderna because it's dangerous to young men. Your poison vaccine is not so safe after all is it?

MrPussyWhiskers 7 points ago +7 / -0

The CBC is just woke propaganda. The bullshit they spew on the Canadian population is outrageous. Canadians are a passive lot unfortunately, and we keep feeding the crocodile.

MrPussyWhiskers 10 points ago +10 / -0

Lies, misdirection, and propaganda. You're not going to change anyone's mind in this forum. Why do you even bother?

The vaccines are poison with long term consequences, and any healthy person under 60 who willingly takes them is an idiot. Enjoy your boosters.

MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fake news. There's no such thing as Biden counties. Trump won!

MrPussyWhiskers 11 points ago +11 / -0

The vaccinated spread the variant. If anyone is at fault for what happens, it's the one who believed the government lies about the vaccine. You vaxxed sheep own this, but you already know this, you're just here to correct the record and make some blood money. Here are a few headlines, you'll enjoy


MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Enemies foreign and domestic will try to nuke this platform.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Statistician or correct the record stooge? Your style sounds awfully familiar. Defend vaccines at all costs and minimize any attempt at showing that these vaccines are deadly and harming people.

MrPussyWhiskers 8 points ago +8 / -0

Remind me again how many houses this "environmentalist" owns? From which house is he going to direct the bombings?

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

The news has been having "experts" lately explaining how the vaccines are fine for children. They don't actually discuss the data, the specific side effects, and so forth. I'm quite amazed at the level of propaganda we have reached in government and corporate media.

MrPussyWhiskers 6 points ago +6 / -0

The party needs a charismatic leader who is well spoken, compelling, can shed a light on the commie BS in parliament, and win elections by defending the basic rights and freedoms many Canadians hold dear. Right now, the only one I see fitting the bill is Pierre Poilievre. Not perfect, but maybe just what the party needs at this point in time.

MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

This man may not be a soldier, but he's an intellectual warrior on the front lines of the battle against the useless commies in academia, and the propagandists in the media.

MrPussyWhiskers 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what I meant when I said the sacrifice of Canadian veterans has been in vain. We didn't learn the lessons of the great wars in spite of all the poppies and the lip service. The government can be as criminal as they want and CSIS looks the other way. But if people open their mouths in protest, then they immediately swoop down on us calling us racists, misogynists, and conspiracy theorists.

This story has just begun. The push by Trudeau and his commie cronies to censor online free speech is coming. They think that we're going to cower in fear and go quietly into the night.

So speak up now, you stupid bastards, because there may not be anyone left to speak for you later.

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