Scrodimite 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ok. A whopping 43 deaths nationwide in two years from a population of 38 million.

So yeah, like I said, you don't really hear about them getting sick and dying even though they are directly exposed to it frequently, daily even. Almost as if the whole thing is overblown bullshit meant to peddle vaccines and implement the passport system....neither of which are/will work but will make a select few even richer.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +4 / -1

Well maybe the government could have spent that $400+ Billion on beefing up the nations healthcare system instead of handing out $2000 a month CERB cheques to every person who was too lazy to work or got screwed over by the very restrictions that the government, not the virus put into place.

If a couple hundred people spread across a province is enough to sink the system that should have been a massive wake up call. Christ, we've known the system was spread thin for a very long time now and we've done very, very little to address it let alone fix it.

But rather than fix it here we are firing healthcare workers that don't want to be bossed around with vaccine mandates. By the way, where are all the sick and dying nurses, doctors, care-aids? I mean for the past two years they have been on the front lines dealing with Covid patients non stop everyday.....why haven't we been seeing them drop like flies? I haven't seen or heard jackshit about that.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing makes any sense. If your even experiencing minor symptoms please go get tested and therefore come into close contact with people instead of just staying home until you feel well again.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I will never understand how Canada, a nation founded by European immigrants has such awful and expensive bread, cheese, and beer.

Scrodimite 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also worth noting that people are perceiving prices rising because they are in fact rising.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where were all the infected and dying nurses, doctors, care aids etc before the vaccine? These healthcare workers were right in the thick of it dealing with infected patients daily before there was any vaccine....so why are they not all dying?

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because if you look at the graph you'll see that's when the number of deaths start to pile up, 22,996 in total. Again that's over almost two years within a population of 38 million. By comparison smoking kills roughly 45,000 per year in Canada.


You have to also take into consideration that the average life expectancy in Canada is 81.9 years old when you look at that official Health Canada statistics graph. How can anyone be alarmed? The old and ready to die are dying. Additionally you must consider that most of these elderly people that have died were in long term nursing care homes because they are fragile and in poor health to begin with.

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0

The only numbers that matter are the deaths. There has been 4404 deaths under the age of 70 in Canada (population 38 million) over almost two years. Its the flu. It's a pandemic because they say it is and cover it on the news 24/7.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesn't anyone remember the months before the vaccines where they would talk about potentially easing restrictions and then magically right before the day they said they would ease it back "cases" suddenly skyrocketed and we were told the restrictions were needed a little longer?

It happened about 10 fucking times. This vaccine passport shit is just the latest rendition of "two weeks to flatten the curve".

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

They just need proof that your not harboring unvaccinated in your attics and crawl spaces.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where in India is Brampton?

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should be tarred/feathered and run out of town.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can people actually think that? How do they think humanity survived all that time before vaccines were invented?

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it funny that Wikipedia has a Covid misinformation section on the Ivermectin page...and right after that it even states that it's being used to treat tropical diseases like yellow fever due to it's antiviral properties.

Now sure, maybe Ivermectin isn't a viable Covid treatment, but the media is pretty disingenuous to omit that it is being used to treat other more deadly virus's and claim its only ever used for livestock.

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm willing to take that risk. Let him have the top bunk.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its quite concerning that people blindly "trust the science" but the reality of it is these scientists are just pulling levers to see what happens and understand very little themselves. One day they're going to fuck it all up really, really bad. For a generation that grew up watching Jurassic Pak they sure seem to be oblivious to the overlaying message that we are not in control of nature and our technology will be our undoing.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Its the people that aren't getting a lobotomy and re-education training that are drawing it out. If they just submitted themselves to a detention center the pandemic would be over by now!"

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eventually it might get to the point where they'll simply change your vaccination/test result status because you spoke up/attended a protest/tweeted your opinion and whisk you off to a camp because your a "danger to public health".

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Smoking kills roughly 37,000 people in Canada EVERY YEAR. Nobody seems to care. The government makes their tax money off it. If you mention this stuff on Reddit they'll say "but yeah, smoking isn't contagious". But the smokers are clogging up the healthcare system....which I thought was the thing we were trying to avoid?

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be like blaming people who don't use antibiotics for creating strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

I'm worried that when they get their passports and are still having outbreaks what will they want then? Send unvaccinated to quarantine camps?

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a video on that and it got me thinking. Sure we are definitely affecting the planet but that's a drop in the ocean compared to the suns output.....you know, the burning ball of nuclear fusion that absolutely dwarfs our planet? It's brushed off as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory instead of considering there might just be something to that.

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