Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

And it's never been about health either, there's money to be made, and power to be consolidated. And that's what its always about. Everything else is just icing.

The narrative about Covid is extremely convoluted now that it is becoming harder and harder to follow to the point that they are starting to bicker amongst themselves over the details (much like the LGBTASKDKJANALSD234$#@!? and other politically correct fairy tales). Nobody on Reddit can seem to agree on whether the vaccine prevents transmission or how effective it is in preventing infection. It seemingly both prevents and does not prevent transmission and infection on an ever changing whim, though there seems to be no contradiction in the minds of the believers IF they are the ones regurgitating the information....however if someone with questions that go against the flow brings any of this up then they are simply dismissed as "anti-vaxxers or Covid deniers". It's insanity.

If it prevents transmission and infection than how could Covid be spreading when 70%+ of the country is vaccinated? If it does not then what the hell is the point in even taking it? Oh right, because it manufactures consent for vaccine passports.


Here's some interesting reading to see what kind of horseshit our government is up to in the meantime. Gee, kind of coincidental that they shut everything down, bring us into a massive, historic debt all the while rubbing their palms together as they consider making us rent everything.....now where have I heard something like this before? Something about "owning nothing and being happy"....

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most people I have talked to that are vaccinated/getting vaccinated only did so because they were mildly inconvenienced. People are so lazy and dumb that they swallowed this lump of shit because they want convenience and they want it now.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's quite hilarious reading comments on Reddit about how there will probably be some variant that comes along and wipes out all the unvaccinated. Pure fantasy. It's been a year and a half and in a country of 36 million we've had 26,000 old people in nursing homes die.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

My town also built a rainbow crosswalk. They spent $40K on it too. People did burnouts on it and it was a "hate crime". The paint faded six months later anyways.

Ughh. The town is massively congested due to an exploding population and no planning whatsoever. City hall keeps making roads narrower to accommodate bike lanes and bus lanes.....there are so few buses and bicyclists that it's obscene to make lanes for them. Homelessness, junkies and crime associated with both is rising at an alarming rate. Main street is looking more like a scene from some dystopian 80's action flick, Robocop or something.

But hey, gotta make "Inclusivity and equity" (whatever the fuck that means) a top priority right! That's at the top of the list for city hall. These jokers should be tarred and feathered.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. I had a buddy dive head first into a rocky river. Came up doing the funky chicken. We took him to emergency and they x-rayed him and closed the gash in his noggin' with 14 staples. Told us he was perfectly fine and ready to leave. We laughed and got another doctor to x ray him. Now I am now x ray technician and have no medical experience or training....but I could clearly see in the x ray that his top vertebrae was utterly smashed into three separate pieces. How a trained tech could miss that is beyond me. The only time I have ever had positive interactions with competent doctors is with South Africans. Guys who have seen some shit and have real hands on experience, they didn't get their degree from a box of Cracker Jacks.

Brock was right.

Scrodimite 8 points ago +8 / -0

These people getting vaccinated just want an easy return to the way things used to be and don't want to deal with any struggle. Anything that inconveniences their lazy day to day life pursuing pleasure is a threat to them. I talked to a 20 something year old waitress who didn't think she would get sick from Covid but "just wanted to travel" so she was getting vaccinated.

Here's another similar attitude found on Reddit:

"I simply don’t listen to podcast because I have my own opinion on the world, not forged by professors, governments, or anyone else but my own experiences. I’m just trying to have a normal life and see my family in Europe again, I couldn’t be bothered whether it’s a scam or lie, I’m trying to chill"

Ah, but if someone who was opposed to the lockdowns, masks, vaccines were to have their own opinions they are called anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, idiots etc. Another person who will just bend over and touch their toes in the government says to because they couldn't be bothered with finding out the truth....they just want the things they want and they want them now, and they don't want to work or put up a fight for it.

Scrodimite 28 points ago +28 / -0

The whole thing is a scam. The nations health care system has been overloaded and on the brink of collapse forever. Furthermore the government spent billions and put us into historic debt levels and did absolutely nothing to fortify the health care system. They just put a CERB band-aid on the problem (shutting down small business's) that they created.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

The comment section was reassuring that not all are retarded these days.

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0

I keep thinking we are heading towards a future like South Africa's. A once prosperous country that slowly rotted into a poverty stricken racial conflict hellhole ruled by corrupt government officials.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cm'on man, vaccines that don't prevent infection or transmission are the only way out of this....don't think about it, just give in to peer pressure!

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was watching some video where a guy explained the impact solar cycles had and how they started the ice ages etc. It kind of made sense, I mean any impact humanity has on the planet is going to be absolutely dwarfed by the star that has enabled life and weather to exist here in the first place. Maybe its right, maybe it's wrong, who knows? Interesting to think about anyways.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. And the banks won't give you a loan on land either. Millions of vacant acres where I live and you can't buy any of it, but foreign owned logging companies are allowed to come in and rape it to sell the raw logs to Asia.....the game is rigged so that the average guy can't get too far ahead.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

My grandpa, like many people at the time joined because the army was providing "three hots and a cot".

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's no guarantee you'll ever come into contact with Covid. But if you take a vaccine your guaranteed to be put at risk for adverse vaccine effects.

In my opinion pretty much everyone has probably come into contact with Covid though. How could it spread around the entire planet in 3-6 months but somehow not spread through an entire countries population a full year AFTER that global spread?

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not going back to the gym until the masks are not required. It's shitty enough walking around with one on, no way in hell I am wearing one while huffing and puffing lifting weights. My regular gym is so backed up from limited capacity and the fact that they sanitize every single weight plate when your done......fucking absurd.

Oh well. It's been over a year since I have been in a gym and I have actually seen better results by just rocking pushups/chinups/dips and doing weighted versions.

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

And a whole lot of people are retarded and will go along with it all. I talked to young bartender last night, she told me she was scheduled to get vaccinated tomorrow. I asked her why since she was in her 20's and isn't at risk statistically. She said she wanted to go traveling. Didn't seem concerned with getting sick from the virus, she just wanted what she wanted and had no red flags, lightbulbs or passing thoughts on why a person should just go along with it all. I swear these people are getting closer to just loading themselves onto cattle cars and walking into the gas chambers if it meant getting what they want without having to think about it.

Survival instincts diminished due to easy complacent lives. Domestication. The smart ones are suspicious about the food that is just laying around and the dumb ones bite the trap.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've been reading the guide for lifting restrictions here in BC. It all sounds too good to be true. No masks by July? Ahhh, but then you see the asterisk and read the fine print....."earliest date". Now they can say they had every intention of lifting the restrictions by July by gosh, the cases keep rising or maybe a new super duper deluxe variant comes about and they'd just have to keep the fear train going.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

I keep thinking that Covid is just to setup the groundwork and condition people for the next one that's planned. Then they can say "we dealt with Covid-19 and we know what we have to do this time". People will be even more eager to blindly leap into the meat grinder without asking questions or thinking about it.

Scrodimite 20 points ago +20 / -0

I wonder how long this will go for until they Charlie Brown it from us and double down on the propaganda? "Ah jeez, you guys were so close, better luck next time!"

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least the Terran Federation solved pretty much all the problems we have and were colonizing the galaxy.

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0

Until the definitions, the rules, the goalposts etc get changed and people like him are suddenly up against a wall. It wouldn't be the first time in history its happened.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus that is some vague bullshit. "If everyone does exactly as we say then you can maybe expect to possibly lift measures, but you'll still have to follow all the measures we remove...".

It's never going to end if we keep going along with it. Eventually people will have enough, it's already starting to crack and people are getting restless.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do I trust dentists? No, my last dentist was a stingy bastard who was giving me the tiniest bit of anesthetic to pinch pennies and also setting his work up to fail, ensuring I'd be a repeat customer down the line.

There's a reason people are suspicious about things, its a goddamn survival instinct. These people blindly putting trust into the "science", that very clearly has a lot to gain from lying have a very low survival instinct. Probably from living in an artificial environment (big city) and mindlessly consuming media that has helped to domesticate them into docile livestock.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder how many wet markets there are in China, let alone Wuhan. Pretty big coincidence that a virology lab that studies corona viruses just happens to be down the street from the market it allegedly came from.

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