Trump__Supporter 12 points ago +12 / -0

That's because the government legislated fishing away, and since they lost all their job, they started being depended on the government.
Now they vote for the government with the most gibs, who created the problem in the first place to make sure they'd always have people voting for them.

And this is why any government who can govern on anything larger that what can be walked by a man in a day, is evil.

Trump__Supporter 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know what people expected when they created government funded news.
oh, no, wait, they knew exactly what they were doing, creating their own propaganda machine.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

wants to present voters with a softer, gentler, more moderate CPC

How softer can their dick get? It's already limp.
Poilievre was only moderate.

We're in need of some kind of Pinochet, and badly, right now, to kick the shit out of the overton window, which is now completely in the extreme far left terrorist side.

Trump__Supporter 8 points ago +8 / -0

Of course, the boomers feel secure in their retirement.
The only thing they are defending now is to prevent any waves in the system, otherwise their pensions might be in danger.

This is how government control people, by making them 100% dependent on a huge ass system that they can't control.

Trump__Supporter 3 points ago +3 / -0

If everybody is failing they do feel better, because they don't have to give a shit, they're running entirely on their retirement.

And their retirement is entirely in safe securities that do not see much movement with the economy.

They're already pissed that their kids are making way more than them (because they don't understand inflation, and how they could afford a 20k$ house but "kids" have a hard time buying something with a 90k$ salary.)

And nothing pissed of a boomer more than a kid going "I made 500k$ with GME meme stocks" and the like. This is why they have to prevent everything like this.
Lottery they understand, and are ok with because they "know" "nobody wins". (And they do get mad when someone they know wins a big prize, and gets better off.)

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now they can use their electric cars as portable batteries to heat up their homes, since everyone works from home, and wonder why the fuck everyone had to buy an overpriced UPS just because too many people use power up to charge their UPS.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still a shit sandwich, they just change the condiments.

Trump__Supporter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just when you think the boomers where done fucking everyone over, they get used for a final fuck you to everyone on their way out.

Trump__Supporter 6 points ago +6 / -0

They aren't sucking the dick of the mainstream media, and are resisting the fascists in government.

Trump__Supporter 6 points ago +8 / -2

The solution is simple, don't own assets that can be confiscated in Canada.

Or other example, how can they confiscate bitcoins?

Trump__Supporter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ok, so, win something at the city level, and declare the Liberals terrorists.
Let's just put everyone who opposes us as terrorists.
Trudeau and his mob too.

Trump__Supporter 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're not going to cheer for long when they realize that all the people who keep the world moving, the doers, are now unemployed, pissed, and have nothing else to do.

It'll be the purge to end all purges.

Trump__Supporter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, seems like we have to stop right now the fucks who are planning to make the next pandemic.
Next thing you know we'll be under 50 feet of ice, while global warming is happening, ozone gets more hole and whatever other shitty scare they've been running in the last 200 years come true.
Peak oil and peak solar bro!!!!

Trump__Supporter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, they can get fucked, we learned to live without non-essentials.
And we won't go back.
All my money is going on gamestop. /s
I just like the stock.

Trump__Supporter 1 point ago +1 / -0

My dad is a pussy with no life who is satisfied to just stay inside like a scared little bitch.

Yeah, well, when the stock market crashes and he has no more retirement funds, things are going to flip real quick for him.

Trump__Supporter 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is the first step. Next, interprovincial travel will follow the same steps. Then, intercity travel. Lastly, you will be sentenced to your own home, and will only be able to leave with proof of vaccination sterilization.

Trump__Supporter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too many boomers who are afraid the rona is coming for them.
This week instead they're afraid the internet is coming for their retirement portfolio.

Also too many diversity citizens ready to do everything the government tell them, otherwise they think they get yeeted.

Trump__Supporter 26 points ago +26 / -0

Yeah, sure, let's declare the people who aren't burning shit as terrorists.

At this point, the Canadian government, and Parliament, are the terrorists themselves.

Trump__Supporter 5 points ago +5 / -0

They can just change the testing threshold to get the result they want anyway.
Their tests are worthless.

(And failing that, they can just report any damn number they want.)

Trump__Supporter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe he's trying to suck dick to get back in, because they've threatened him and he flipped?

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