Trash Party
It’s afraid
Canada is a prison
The NHL is trash
I fear you may be right
The cons had a perfect opportunity to have Leslyn Lewis run as their leader and chose a bag of shit.
Fire everyone and call it a staff shortage. You have to be a fucking retard to call it a shortage.
It’s time for Alberta to leave Canada
Fuck the Tories. They have always been garbage.
You don’t want the blood of you are unvaxxed. The blood supply is now tainted
Trudeau is a fucking Criminal. The do nothing Cops in this country are a fucking embarrassment
If you have a dog you cannot enter. It’s a huge deal to my family that we would have to give up our family pets.
It’s poison. These people can go fuck them selves with a needle
It’s the media dude. Calm down
You are not considered “jabbed “ until two weeks after the second jab. So the people they surveyed are fucking retarded as they are wanting to discriminate against people who are suffering jab injuries. Clown world !
United non compliance. Disobey the illegal orders. They are going to kill children with jabs. Don’t sit at home on your hands. Lastly prepare for the worst. You may have to take your child out of school
They took it from the Indians and broke the treaty.
You sound like uneducated a racist asshole.
Head down to the Edmonton Legislature if you have any questions. Get off of Wastebook
Queen Victoria signed a document called the Queens Bargain that was basically disregarded by the corporation of Canada.
Canada was sold to the Hudson’s Bay Corporation illegally. The document exists in the Canadian Archives and Nancie Scanie has been trying for decades to get this document from the Archives. She has a copy of it but she wants the original to prove what she is saying. Edmonton was settled on stolen land and she is going to reclaim it for all peopleof Canada away from the Illegal occupation that we Currently live under. It’s early. I’ll explain more as I know more
Time to stand the fuck up.
They will take your children. They will inject them. Some will die.
Get the fuck up
I spent the last two days at the Alberta Legislature. The Great Clan Mother Nancie Scanie is calling on all people to join her to reclaim what is rightfully ours. Canada the corporation has broken all of its promises.
There is a document named “The Queens Bargain that is in the Canadian Archives. Nancie is asking for Justin Trudeau to bring the document to her. I’ll be returning to Calgary and then back up to Edmonton with my camping gear. As should everyone who is able. What a great bunch of people. History is being made.
There are a ton of facts that destroy your narrative. refusing to acknowledge that is on you.
The lesson here is to never trust the media.
The reason the world burns is the media refuses to eat it’s own.