WhyAreYouLikeThis 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sarcasm. Pointing out the idiocy of trying to characterize pro life views as trying to control women.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that sarcasm though? It really shouldn't be. That's just the straight up literal truth.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 6 points ago +6 / -0

What a great time to have and rig an election. They'll be free to literally make up ballots in broad daylight and shout down anyone who says something as tantamount to a 'Capitol Hill Terrorist' and every self righteous Canadian will blindly applaud.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it technically failing if you never even tried?

WhyAreYouLikeThis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Or maybe they just jumped on the 'lets sell out Canada to China' train and have replaced your contribution with some good ole Yuan.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's simple really. First you listen to Trudeau's about why you, as the opposition party, should sell out your side for some of that sweet sweet china money. And then you do exactly that.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why don't we just start a new party and call it the AHP for Anti-Hate Party. Clearly we've been shown all that matters is what you call yourself and not what your actions are. 95% of the retards in this country who bother to vote would show up to the polls and go "...hmm. Don't really know much about politics or what these Liberals, Conservatives or NDP are about. But look at these guys, the Anti-Hate Party. That's sounds good. How can I vote against Anti-Hate. That would make me pro-hate and that's bad". And then they'd be immediately bestowed with an insufferable smugnorant attitude and we'd win in the biggest landslide.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to be a baseball fan before they threw in with the wokeness. If Joe West and Angel Hernandez can be umps, anyone can.

WhyAreYouLikeThis -3 points ago +1 / -4

Not at all what I said, but nice straw man. How about not commenting on every other post that "the country is lost ?", "China can't be stopped", "I'll suck Xi's cock and swallow his load" so that anyone just finding a red pill for the first time doesn't show up here, see all these whiney ass comments and think the score is 23-0 with 5 seconds left in the third period so they think might as well not even bother lacing up and getting in the game. Fuck. No wonder Conservatives can't grow the base for shit.

WhyAreYouLikeThis -1 points ago +1 / -2

To be clear, I'm not talking about one single election. I'm talking about the people who think we should just entirely abandon the country our parents, grandparents and so on fought and bled and died to build.

I dont actually disagree with your comment.

WhyAreYouLikeThis -3 points ago +1 / -4

Hey cupcake, I'm sorry you fall into the category of those who haven't reached a 5th grade reading comprehension level. Let me help you out so that you don't have to try to use that shit rattling around between your ears.

I said "a bunch of comments". "A bunch" does not mean "every". Let me see if I can get you up to maybe a second grade level. Synonyms... Sorry. Sorry. Forgot your reading level for a second. Let me avoid words you don't know. Other words that are different words but mean the same as "every" in the above context would include "entirety", "all", "unanimous", "full", "without exception", "totality", "whole", "kit and caboodle". A bunch means "a considerable amount" but not "all".

Let's be honest here. You stopped reading there because, as clearly demonstrated, reading is a bit of a challenge for you. I know words can be hard for you, sport, but you'll get there someday.

Damn, you're almost giving me too much retardedness to respond to, but here we go.

Internet warrior means someone acting tough online by making outlandish claims of strength or toughness. The only reason saying that I would fight for my country seems like an outlandish tough guy claim to you is because you're such a pussy who would roll over to anyone over anything that you don't realize fighting for your country is the most basic of basic duties.

Again, let me make this simple enough for even you to understand.

Can I bench 600 lbs? No. Would I fight a grizzly bear? No. Am I professional mixed martial artist? No. Will I fight for my country rather than run? Yes.

Most people see 3 questions that only an actually strong/tough person would say yes to and one question anyone with a tiny bit of testicles would say yes to. Only a cowardly cunt like you sees 4 questions that only an actually strong/tough person would say yes to.

But now I see how we got to where we are today with a country full of scared little bitches exactly like you.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

The housing market is just as affordable as it ever was. You just have to be willing to live like all the immigrants moving here, pack 20 people into a 3 bedroom house. Boom. Problem solved.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Best comment:

"This video completely fucked up all that implicit bias training I just did... Thanks a lot."


WhyAreYouLikeThis 4 points ago +5 / -1

There is something wrong with the people being led. Can't act surprised when your house gets robbed when let the robber in, watch him load your shit into his vehicle, and sit silently in the corner while he does it because you're afraid to take a stand. This is a country full of cowards.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think of this as well. A co-op placement is usually 4 months so a $7,000 wage subsidy equates to about a $10/hr discount. A company can hire 3 co-op students for $15/hr each and after the $10/hr discount on each, they're paying 3 co-op students $5/hr each or $15/hr total. Some co-op students may suck, but if they're only a bit over 1/3 as productive as a non co-op students making minimum wage, then the company hiring co-op students undercut your costs.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 9 points ago +9 / -0

So in actuality, this excludes solely white male conservatives because as soon as they hear a white male liberal start speaking, they'll know for sure he's mentally disabled.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dammit. You got me there. Ok, so fingers crossed my sons have cerebral palsy then I guess.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's cool though, it's only your money being taken in taxes that is then used to pay a company to make sure they don't hire your kid. Don't think that's fair? Well that's because, you guessed it, you're a racist.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're right. But that last paragraph is never going to happen without a fight. Literally.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I disagree. There is a step two and it is "gaslight like a motherfucker".

by Spoonks
WhyAreYouLikeThis 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a lie that is continually perpetuated by islamophobes. The whole "72 virgins" thing is a totally inaccurate point that people who want to make Islam look bad always trot out, but is nowhere near reflective of reality. So let me set the record straight for you so that you can stop spreading misinformation about Islam.

If you become a follower of the one true religion, Islam, you get 72 virgins IN DEATH. There is no part of Islam that says you can't rape many many many more virgins while you're still alive. 200? Yup. 300? Sure. 400? If you can catch that many, absolutely.

So stop trying to disparage Islam with this lie that if you are a follower of Mohamed, you are limited to raping only 72 virgins.

Allahu akbar.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'd just change it to: Canada first America second China three hundred and fourth third Yes, I know there are only 196 countries (approx. depending on who you count), but I'd try to buy from 147 imaginary countries before China.

WhyAreYouLikeThis 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. If you can't avoid Chinese products entirely, don't make your best attempt to avoid them as much as you can?

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