law enforcement was the next logical step regardless of the military decision to purchase them or not
I am having a hard time thinking of a useful pupose that couldn't be done by far less expensive 'toys'
With Biden declaring a shooting war may erupt due to all the state sponsored hackiing, has led me to believe that 'acts' of war have already started
spez - more specifically Fort Bourbon and the origin of the name for the Cree
This is sustenance farming, you will not feed the cities of the world pulling weeds by hand, more mechanization and automation are the future, not ancient hunter gatherer practices. Residue management and soil compaction are real issues for farmers, what is their alternative solution?
You could wipe out their entire crop in about 10 minutes with that Hagie and about 80 bucks worth of round up
not so bad if your government salary or welfare/pension benefits are indexed to inflation
the rest of us are getting screwed hard
This will just feed more votes to the liberals, fuck.
Honour killings?
If you followed the story you would know that Brandon Hospital correctly diagnosed his condition and prescribed the same treatment as doctors in Bismark, the only difference was the doctor in brandon did it without a flouroscope, and the surgeoon (he didn't need) had the weekend off
this is a terrible one-sided example - is my point
Does TC go it alone with its lawsuit? I remember reading a constitutional challenge was filed. They also tried to sue Obama for $15 billion the first time. Kinder Morgan would have had a similar grievance under NAFTA if Trudeau hadn't overpaid for a rusty pipe.
we're fucked
We have only to remove those who oppose us
geezus dispatch, I haven't heard an uninspired NPC response like that since fallout 4.
the shooter knew the more places he visited the more spread out the cops would become. would any cop even try to secure the scene of an active shooter without back-up?
haven't forgot about the bags of cash
did a stint in an old time gaol, whole lot of dead indians buried there too
all men, if that counts for anything
This is the way
cancel Chrétien for his 'white' paper too while you're at it
/s (do it need to use this?)
Smallpox was brought to the new world by the Spanish in 1519 and killed native peoples in droves for over 300 years, but today they teach it was done deliberately by the British in middle 19th century.
I was unaware of this, thanks.
Post the in store prices
– Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.
It's just a coincidence, right?
try looking up stats on the labourforce participation rate, before the pandemic it was below 59%, once cerb was started it magically rose to 64%
Why do these protestors look exactly like their antifa counterparty
I think we're getting UBI if we like it or not, CERB was a pretty good test run as to what kind of fraud we'll see
a few stolen SIN numbers is all it takes to score $10k a month