Canadiansheeple95 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's all about being as anti-white as possible. What a retarded concept to blame people for things that happened before they were born. And, when liberals whine about whites, they never admit that all of human history has been that of ethnic strife. Even the natives were slaughtering each other long before whites showed up in north America. I dont listen to leftists because they're at beat stupid and at worse complete liars.

Canadiansheeple95 -4 points ago +2 / -6

They never mentioned it was in response to residential schools. Not that it justifies the burning of churches, just that it's important context.

Canadiansheeple95 20 points ago +21 / -1

Toppling statues we disagree with....but we are totally not communists, guys, we swear....

Canadiansheeple95 16 points ago +17 / -1

Racist means going against communism and insulting your overlords

Canadiansheeple95 7 points ago +8 / -1

The fundamental problem with leftism is the belief that all groups are equal. We see variance between various groups of white people, and then we see variance in those sub- groups as well. Even siblings have enough variance between them that they could not be considered equal. For some reason to leftists everything must have a social cause. Blacks shooting each other in the ghetto, since we are all exactly equal, must be do to something holding them back, instead of personal responsibility. Because of this they are completely against the concept that maybe one race might just have lower cognitive ability and that this might contribute to criminality, except when it comes to blaming whites for all their problems, suddenly whites are the cause of all evil with no recognition between the various types of white people. Extremely evil people in my opinion.

Canadiansheeple95 5 points ago +6 / -1

Disliked. Cuckservatives are leading you down the same road. Liberals want whites to give up their country for past sins, so they want whites to feel guilty. Conservatives don't feel guilty about history, but that you should "accept all races" meaning give your country up but everybody is nicer about it. Republicans, Democrats, all the same.

"Ra-race doesn't matter" Maybe not to you, but it matters very much to the majority of non-whites. Voting for your own ethnic replacement is a uniquely western thing. As whites slip into the minority non-whites will screw us over any way they can. They will also never question the elites in power, and never rebel against them. The future of the west is an even bigger gap in power between the rich and the underclass, while non whites blame the white middle class for all their problems. Whites will have to smarten up very soon, I'm warning us all.

Canadiansheeple95 36 points ago +36 / -0

It's all about making whites feel guilty to eliminate us from the societies we created. That's the bottom line.

Canadiansheeple95 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Why does everything have to be about race"

Whites are literally the only people who "don't see color".

Hear about what others think about you, and you will have to resort to tribalism.

Canadiansheeple95 5 points ago +6 / -1

People in the west act like Europeans are the only people who ever conquered people. I've done a lot of traveling. My ex and I went on a safari in Botswana and we went around the country. Did you know the Zulu people almost completely eradicated the native San people? In fact there are reservations there just like in the west. If you ask a liberal they'll say they support the Zulu in South Africa against whites, even though the Zulu originally come from West Africa and spread downwards. So don't fall for their rhetoric, most of them do t know anything about history and look at things through emotion instead of fact.

Canadiansheeple95 16 points ago +17 / -1

We have seen a massive power shift from small business straight into globalhomo corporations. The top one percent made billions. The vaccines made 9 new billionaires and tons of millionaires. Meanwhile the little guy gets stamped out even harder and small business gets ruined. Am I saying the virus is fake? Not neccesarily, but to have already established billionaires making billions more should be a criminal offense considering it came on the backs of the middle class.

Canadiansheeple95 0 points ago +1 / -1

Imagine leeching off of other people like a parasite and then claiming superiority

Canadiansheeple95 9 points ago +10 / -1

Will the NDP admit mass immigration into white countries and destroying their culture is genocide? No? Then it's all political theater. Screw off commies.

Canadiansheeple95 3 points ago +4 / -1

Should've said something really random and get offended as hell when they refer to you as something else. Play their own game and beat them.

by Gadf_1
Canadiansheeple95 5 points ago +6 / -1

So if he was mentally ill why are you blaming the rest of us?

by HarsHy
Canadiansheeple95 16 points ago +17 / -1

What about when the middle eastern guy ran people over in Toronto, or the guy with the isis flag in edmonton? Why is it "you're to blame for this collecrively" but every other race gets treated as individuals?

Canadiansheeple95 27 points ago +28 / -1

PPC is the only choice imo. Is Max Bernier the only politician in this whole country who actually cares about the white middle class?

Canadiansheeple95 4 points ago +7 / -3

Why is canada so hellbent on Chinese immigration? They don't integrate, they hate whitey, and they see canada as nothing but a place to dump money.

Canadiansheeple95 27 points ago +27 / -0

Most whites don't realize just how much natives and liberal elitist whites actually hate us. Every single thing in history you are personally responsible for, in their eyes. With liberal whites, they think passing the buck is "justified" and they feel righteous defending minorities from evil whitey.

Canadiansheeple95 3 points ago +4 / -1

I've seen those eyes before. Evil and lifeless. I think she is a hardcore narcissist

Canadiansheeple95 18 points ago +19 / -1

Here we go, mass blame for white people and racism. When a black guy stabbed a bunch of people at a vancouver library the story was forgotten extremely quickly. Now we will never hear the end of how racist and evil whites are and we all subconsciously support him, just like all of us were personally at the residential schools. Piss off.

by narf8h1
Canadiansheeple95 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm a little late, but I was watching an interview with a residential school survivor and he described getting the strap and hit with books and other things, but that was just how schooling was back then. My grandpa got the strap multiple times in school, and my great uncle was forced to write with his right hand even though he was left handed. Molestations, etc, those happen even today in our school system unfortunately. What did the kids die of? Do we have proof of abuse? I have tons of questions and all the media gives us is emotional fluff pieces.

Canadiansheeple95 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also complaining about the locals not mingling with you, probably because all you want to do is stay in your own ethnic echochamber and use canada for money. Why shouldn't I be hostile when English is the official language and you can't even communicate with me properly and I can't read any signs.

Canadiansheeple95 5 points ago +5 / -0

"But the thing is, those who actually rely on this money either torn apart native people, and you know that their conditions go back generations (again I am not going to elaborate on what has happened to the indigenous peoples of Canada, you do your research) and their unemployment in a colonial system that is not compatible with their lost traditions, is not something that can be fixed with a few hundreds of dollars per month, but needs a historical healing. The other benefactors are lazy entitled [often local white] people who do not look for work, do not accept low wage work, and do choose to beg on the streets (because they can collect some more from kind people who help them) while they reside in social housing or dirty cheap team houses. Often drunken bad-mouthed homeless people who are plenty in the richest cities of the country – you only need to take a 5 minute walk in downtown Ottawa or Toronto, for example, to realize poverty is not something specific to ‘the developing countries’. But interestingly, there are no videos or pictures showing this type of thing to the enthusiastic immigrants as ‘Canada’. No, Canada is not only its homeless people. Neither it is its national hockey team. But there are these issues here, like anywhere else in the world and the spotless imagery many people have of this country is simply laughable."

Natives are poor because of history. Whites are poor because of choice. Really getting sick of this narrative.

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