I mean, the majority of people currently hospitalized had the shot, so... yeah. Get fucked, moron.
The reported death had it, they didn't die from it. Still zero deaths.
I'm in Canada and the same thing has been happening here. We bought our home for 250k about nine years ago. The houses on our street now sell for 500-700k.
Again, why is this dumbass Nazi-sympathizer still here?
They're still in trial. Why is this moron not banned from here?
Webster's already changed the definition.
Biased, lefty organization calls someone else biased. News at 11.
Where are the vaccine shills that haunt this place? Also, looks like Moderna either forgot to send their payment to the government, or Pfizer sent an even bigger one to trash the competition. They're all garbage.
The guy he replied to offered no argument either. Payment in kind.
"Progressive" conservative says it all. They're just another leftist party. This country is done.
I mean, these vaccines have killed more people these passed seven months than all vaccines combined killed in the last twenty years. But just het the jab, amirite?
Per CDC, only 4% of covid "deaths" were from covid alone, but keep trying.
"Can't end". Well, the retard was unintentionally correct about one thing.
I mean, my wife's pregnant coworker's baby died after her shot, but okay.
Not possible, as you exist.
In the USA it is only 4%.
And they've also lowered the PCR test thresholds for fewer false positives to lower the number compared to the tests given to the unvaccinated. It's all a joke.
Yup. Democrats cheated to win in 2020, but there's no way they'll do it again.
If they're the ones fighting the Chicoms to gain freedom, why wouldn't we want them here? Better yet, we should send them BLM/Antifa goons as an exchange.
From the vaccines?
They were talking on CP24 as if vaccine passports were already decided.
It's almost like cold and flu season is over...
5k reported. Who knows what the actual number is.
People like Pfizer who have been sued for billions? Uh huh...
Both the deaths and cases are inflated and not factual. Why hasn't this absolute retard been removed?