RedHatLobster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a way for the government to indoctrinate the kids early.

RedHatLobster 6 points ago +6 / -0

Zemmour's running on gun rights and immigration limits. Send 5 million back to their home country.

RedHatLobster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Global News just did a piece about rising Islamophobia and whined how people only need to learn more about them. I think we all know enough.

RedHatLobster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now go change Yale which is named after a major slave trader. He wasn't just some slsve owner but a really big mover of slaves across the Atlantic.

When will the sjw finally do Yale?

RedHatLobster 5 points ago +5 / -0

The liberals will bring in $10 a day daycare to all so that they can brainwash our young kids early. Pronouns and trannies taught by pedos.

RedHatLobster 9 points ago +9 / -0

So many young men running to the airports. Can they not fight the Taliban and keep their country? They're lazy bastards and deserve what they get.

Besides, the Taliban is promising to let them live according to their religion so they should rejoice.

RedHatLobster 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wtf. I can hear China laughing. The shareholders are going to ask about people's genitals now?

Stupid liberal bigots. Now when we see a woman on the board we'll assume she's a dummy and only there to fill the quota.

RedHatLobster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not only didn't Canada have slavery but any slaves who escaped the US and make it here was given 5 acres land free. They could farm or do whatever they wanted.

After the civil war some returned to the US because they had family there.

It's a shame how little education people have.

RedHatLobster 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many commercials used to be the man playing a bumbling fool and the wife shaking her head while she rescues him. Now the couple are black and the guy is supposed to be the idiot but advertisers are not able to play it out.

RedHatLobster 8 points ago +8 / -0

The 20 year guy was laughing when they caught him. He was hoping to get even more people.

RedHatLobster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turns out the restaurant owners are Druze. An ethnic group from the middle East. The young guy was dating a Muslim girl and her family wasn't pleased so they took him out.

RedHatLobster 1 point ago +1 / -0

A school board in BC made a deal with China to have them look after Chinese immersion classes. They pulled the plug on that real quick when they are that they were teaching Communist ideology.

Wonder how it will work for Hungary.

RedHatLobster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Muslims are 3%. Unless you poll the schools in Peel region and they found 65% Muslims. Ramadan is this week. Woohoo! Traffic will be light.

RedHatLobster 4 points ago +4 / -0

The serial killer just went after gay men. The tranny and the woman are from 2 other crimes. It's just that trannies need to link themselves onto other things to get all the attention they crave as made up victims.

Trannies even took over wear pink day at school for anti bullying. The real bullied kids aren't trans and now can't be heard because the trannies have yelled loudest.

They need medical help but psychiatrists have to cater to their sickness instead of help them otherwise they lose their job. See all the trannies working at CAMH.

RedHatLobster 4 points ago +4 / -0

I met an Indian man who was a bank manager back in India. He was angry that he was duped into coming here. He left a good job and sold everything and now he struggles to find a job. They should tell them the truth that we have Indian engineers working as Uber drivers.

RedHatLobster 1 point ago +1 / -0

So like the water buffalo lodge that Fred Flintstone used to go to.

RedHatLobster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm reading bonfire now. Second time and it's just as great. I also like A Man In Full by Tom wolfe.

RedHatLobster 1 point ago +1 / -0

This doc and the pharmacist aren't Canadian and don't give a fuck about our people dying young and leaving kids orphans.

RedHatLobster 12 points ago +12 / -0

Many of those women who make less are doing so because they have a man who is the main breadwinner. They choose to make less because fewer hours means they can be home to be mothers and homemakers. In the liberal world we will all be working, the father, the mother and the day care worker. All paying taxes to the liberals while the children are ignored in front of the TV watching CBC.

RedHatLobster 9 points ago +9 / -0

Back when Canada had the death penalty it was used for killing an on duty cop and teason. Now Canada will let the 17 year old off with 2 years less a day.