Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, according to the current mainstream iteration of the Covid science/truth a vaxxed person is more likely to experience very mild symptoms. So maybe its mild enough that they may not even know they have it etc. Either way they're able to go to pubs, bars, social events, sporting events and so on so they'll be coming into contact with larger groups of people, more frequently and won't be tested either. The masks and plexiglass is all theater since the virus is airborne. Even N95 masks only do so much and are generally changed out every few hours due to waning efficacy over time.

I walk by the pubs in my town almost every day and they are packed, elbow to elbow at the tables etc, meanwhile unvaxxed have to sit at home as pariahs....who do you think is spreading it around? How did the variants get here if everyone has to be vaccinated and tested to travel? Here's a hint, its the same reason they are pushing for additional shots.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kind of scary to think they could just whisk any dissidents away to the gulag under the guise of vaccination and public health.

Maybe your outspoken about the government and next thing you know your vaxx pass turns red even though your vaccinated and the Gestapo is now looking for you à la Logan's Run.

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0


There it is, only 43 healthcare workers nationwide died WITH Covid in almost two years despite them being in the "front lines" and exposed to it continuously.

How much would you wager those 43 people who died were old and/or landwhales with preexisting health conditions?

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of it is the herd mentality. They don't want to go against the flow. That and any time someone begins to think the lame "conspiracies" about 5G and microchips in the vaccines come out...you know, things that practically nobody has talked about but are used to immediately shame and discredit any hesitancy and questioning. That shuts most people down, they don't want to be ostracized by their friends and family so they comply and stop thinking.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the masks are catching droplets contaminated with this deadly virus than why aren't there biohazardous waste disposal bins for them? Even insulin needles get put into proper waste bins, masks litter the sidewalks in every town however.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Two days in the stockade for wasting our tax money on this crap.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

How dare the people who pay into the healthcare system actually try to use it when sick!

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

A friend of mine had a tooth go rotten and leach toxic crud into his bloodstream that infected his heart. He had swelling of the heart lining (pericarditis) and he almost died. He is now on blood thinners for LIFE.

It's laughable how Orwellian this whole sham is. They play it off as if damage to the most critical organ in your body is a minor thing.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Two weeks to flatten the curve!

We're all in this together!

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

Debunked. Our future simply resembles something close to modern day South Africa!

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the MRNA can send a message along to do this, what else might it be telling your cells to do? Couldn't they just sneak in some additional messages for whatever they like? How would you ever know? They wouldn't tell you anyways, and you'd be censored and branded a heretic for asking these kinds of questions.

Too much trust for a technology with so much potential to misuse, and with corporations that have shown they are greedy and morally bankrupt. Don't think, just do what your told, just two more weeks.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't there a model for Saskatchewan that had something like 35,000 Covid deaths on it and in reality it was well under 100?

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I talked to some lawyers. They basically told me that even if their mandate is bullshit ,and maybe not even legal, that I will still probably lose my job if I don't comply.....BUT they will owe me severance pay. Also told me to hound them about making testing an alternative to being vaccinated.

There is nothing more I would enjoy that putting the squeeze on these bastards with some lawyers and getting a fat severance pay check out of it.

Worked my ass off for this company and the thanks I get is "take a vaccine that doesn't work for a virus that doesn't pose any threat to you or your fired!". What a joke it all is. Company has been gung-ho on the Covid rules for two fucking years now....there was a possible Covid infection in a staff member and they kept it hush-hush for two days before they figured out she tested negative. Didn't even try to warn people that worked with her or near her that they may have been exposed too. But their going to fire me over a damn vaccine? Fuck 'em.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always get a laugh talking to people that still go on about the reds helping to win Trumps election. For four fucking years they pounded it into our heads all day, every day. But when they get accused of stealing the election the sentiment is "no way, that's impossible!".

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

People have no class or shame these days. Morals and ethics are right out the window in todays instagram/tik tok/social media world where everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. These people would have been lobotomized a few decades ago.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Two minutes of hate more like it.

These people love to think they are morally superior and on the "winning team".

Had a guy at work (who just finished saying he thought exercise was stupid) tell me I should get vaccinated because we "live in a socialist country" and "need to do the right thing for society".....as he smoked a cigarette and the smoke wafted in my face. Another coworker shakes his head and mutters "just get the damn vaccine already!" every time the news comes on....then he wheezes from walking up the small flight of stairs to the office. His raspy breathing sounds like someone trying to suck up that last little remainder of liquid in a glass with a straw....but hey he saved everyone's health by getting a vaccine and letting everyone know about it!

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have yet to talk to anyone that got vaccinated because they were concerned about getting sick. Everyone just wants to travel or not be hassled by the vaxx passports. And it's sad that so many know its all bullshit but comply anyways because they want what they want and do not want to be inconvenienced in any way.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

My dad had a friend give him a doll of Mulroney back in the 90's. Has a noose around his neck and he wears a pin that says "I ♥ GST".

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not much of a safety net when unelected health officials can make up rules as they see fit, especially when you consider that their decisions are heavily influenced/decided by business interests or knowing they have to "tow the line" or lose their job.

Excerpt from Bonny Henry's book:

"I was fully aware, however that if I were wildly offside with what the provincial health minister and government believed, it could make my position challenging, and that if I was too far off the mark too often, the government could render me ineffective or fire me all together".

Great, in her own words she admits that she had to just play ball and do what she was told or be canned. Rather than do the right thing she took the money.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember listening to CBC radio while me and a buddy were driving around. It was about that shady trade deal Harper pushed through with China. The newscaster goes " And now to speak a little bit about the trade deal is the minister of (can't remember exactly the job title or his exact name) foreign trade......DAVID WONG"

And this guy fresh off the boat with a stereotypical Chinese accent is going "Oh yes, very good deal for Canada....good deal"

I knew then and there we were sold out.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

So 43 of 90,000 then. That's 0.047%.

The reason we don't hear about them is because only 43 of them died despite being exposed to the virus far more than the average person. That doesn't really make the news or help spread the fear does it?

I wonder what the average age of the 43 who died were and if they had any comorbidities? If I had to guess they'd probably be 60 or older based off the Health Canada stats that show hardly anyone under 60 has died from Covid over two damn years.

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