Twitter 6 points ago +6 / -0

that is the worse thing for them to do they are in a chamber by themselves its the same mistake they made with trumps rise they don't listen to anything else so it keeps them very dumb but super vigorous in their dumb ways.

Twitter 14 points ago +14 / -0

he probably will how he keeps getting elected is beyond me.

Twitter 2 points ago +2 / -0

the vaccine passport doesn't belong anywhere in the world and i hope to god they fear for themselves and from millions of people if they keep pushing it. the FEW elites in the world and POLICE especially should be disgusted at the thought of it.

Twitter 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's sick isn't it? they find every reason to comply to the elites that absolutely hate them, talking about taking a shot in school, these knobs don't realize how rushed the vaccine shot is and how ineffective it is and no one on this god green earth knows the long term effects but we all certainly know a few of the short.

Twitter 9 points ago +9 / -0

im just waiting for them to seize bank accounts, stop grocery shopping, fire people from jobs, hunt down and whatever else they are planning to do to people who aren't vaccinated they arent holding back anymore nothing is stopping them.

Twitter 5 points ago +5 / -0

yup we all knew it these fucks in power are the scum of the earth.

Twitter 6 points ago +6 / -0

pounds and pounds of manipulation, 24/7 every microsecond of the way, reaffirmed by other manipulated co-workers, social acceptance, and the list goes on. They see how this works so beautifully and how they can control the population now, they see it works so they won't ever stop. If people just woke up and realize they want to create division just like when they use the race tactic, just like when they use the sex tactic, and now the virus tactic..i have no idea what on earth will wake anyone what.

Twitter 4 points ago +4 / -0

that is very brave of them to say even if they plan well ahead of time they will never win

Twitter 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is going to be his greatest mistake, although he says its a choice rather then forced, its still a mistake to fall into it. I get why he's doing that but , ehhhh

Twitter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes been saying this for awhile the deaths are going to be mind blowing as soon as trump campaign kicks into full gear, it's going to back fire on them though because i feel we are all well educated enough to know whats going on. The problem is the people brainwashed are going to be 'zombies' they will be completely unhinged and this time they have nothing to lose attempting to attack trump in droves because the media will push how its his fault 24/7

Twitter 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah its really bad here almost pointless to keep coming i look here every so often and im disappointed, i get anything canadina from patroits.win lol

Twitter 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is true I was looking around locally at schools where they teach "refugees" and on the walls they had pictures of harper being evil, conservatives being evil, they teach them pure propaganda. I'm not a fan of harper he's also a globalist piece of shit but he's a much better option then the communist disaster Turdhoe.

Twitter 1 point ago +1 / -0

they are dumb sacks of shit who think these people give a rats ass about them, they've successfully made them unhinged lunatics used as pawns when needed.

Twitter 0 points ago +1 / -1

no one can find the source of that always make sure there is proof otherwise we'll end up looking like "the great awakening".

Twitter 1 point ago +2 / -1

The tactic is to have small business do it (Someone mention it before), this will lead into massive discrimination, small businesses being sued, thus creating the idea of the passport being good, it'll make them start begging for a legal way to refuse people entry into their business.

Also this will single highhandedly kill businesses, the moment someone ask you those invasive questions or brings it into the work place I'm expecting mass amounts of people leaving jobs, businesses losing huge amounts of income.

Twitter 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't agree with you all the time but this is 100 percent correct.

Twitter 5 points ago +6 / -1

That is communism if you're a soldier for this country, there should be no way you're putting up with this garbage.

Twitter 7 points ago +8 / -1

I support PPC too I'm black, let the goons come at my door while I call Ham a white supremacist.

Twitter 3 points ago +4 / -1

We all know its going to happen he's going to end Canada as we know it, dip out of the country as soon as you can.

Twitter 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hope it does go that way as a matter of fact I want them to go full blown communism mode to destroy the country, i want them to go full dick out power grab with no remorse so they have nothing else to gain once they conquer and it wakes up the shit dumb brainwashed masses into one gigantic power swing back that shatters the corrupt gov until it appears again in the next few decades.

Twitter 2 points ago +3 / -1

Canada is the alternate universe America if Cuckafornia took complete control of the country. We're full of degenerates that don't know their own genders, obsessed with race, flooded with migrants, might as well call it the United Arab India China provinces of Canada.

Twitter 0 points ago +1 / -1

Deleted facebook/instagram as well f all that shit but I still use reddit/twitter as there seems to be fight coming back until one of the nazi mods/admins bans you.

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